Learn & Unlearn the Mother Wound in 21 Days

Instead of sacrificing who we are and what we want as women, learn how to feel through tough feelings and implement nourishing boundaries so you can be who you really are and *actually* put yourself first, for once.

Confidently emerge into your own life, with the energy

and vitality to create what you desire without doubt, shame or guilt, but with power, joy, confidence, and love for success beyond your wildest dreams.

Energetically, which is precisely where the magic happens.

Your internal environment dictates your external environment. 

What's Included: 

  • 21 (5 - 25 minute) practices, meditations and resources to support you in amplifying your personal power & individuality.
  • 2 Course Delivery Methods: Email & Exclusive Facebook Group so you can utilize the community of beautiful like minded souls who will serve as a new circle of "your people" along with 1:1 attention from me ,
  • BONUS #1: 2 - 3 Step Guides to Essential Oils
  • BONUS #2: Pre Sale Pricing - When you act now and before MONDAY at MIDNIGHT, you'll receive this exclusive offer & it will not be back, ever. 

Who's this for:

Women who are ready to get clear on who they are and what they want in this life. Who know there is an easier way to lead themselves and others with integrity and success.

If you have tendencies to: 

  • Resist joy just when life starts to get too good
  • Be overly rigid and dominating, trying to control everything around you
  • Play small because you feel like an imposter and then compare yourself to others
  • Feel rage that you don’t know how to handle and is affecting your relationships
  • Feel guilty for wanting more in this life, because what you have is good enough

And instead, would like to:

  • Be open to easily receive love and abundance in your everyday life
  • Implement healthy boundaries that prioritize your needs, your relationships & your success 
  • Feel safe to be yourself in your truth 
  • Lead your family with love and integrity 
  • Cultivate unconditional self love and compassion 
  • Be more skilled in handling your emotions 
  • Trust in yourself, others and life to bring you what you need

Then join us in AWAKEN - Over $2,000 in Quality!

What if I told you...

 That safety in authentic truth is what creates our untethered success.

 I’m inviting you to a new way of thinking. 

 One where healing our wounds is the gateway to wild success and abundance.   

 One where having that deep connection with ourself is exactly what allows us to transform how we show up in our life and work. 

 This is the kind of work the world needs now. 


 is ready to be, do and have more.


Include The Conscious Creation Bundle

3 Potent Resources for Higher Self Alignment Rituals

- Guided Full Moon Ceremony: Monthly ritual
- Mindful Meditation Album: 7 Unique tracks
- Well Woman Hypnosis Track: Daily relaxation
  • Total payment
  • 1xAWAKEN$129

All prices in USD

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